TechKnack Styles
Body.Help {background-color:#99FFCC;font-weight:normal;font-size:12;font-family:Times;border-style:outset;border-width:medium;border-color:#99CCFF;margin:0;padding:0;}
Body.Clear {background-color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:normal;font-size:12;font-family:Times;border-style:outset;border-width:medium;border-color:#FFFFFF;margin:0;padding:0;}
Table Replacement For Layout
W3: The CSS table model.
Using tables for layout is frowned upon ("Table are for tabular data!").
The following are CSS replacements, usually used with
div tags.
- Using
display:table-cell changes the
block setting of the
div element to
inline (i.e. no newlines added),
though could use
span instead of
div, or include e.g.
display:table etc are not supported in IE7 and earlier. IE8 requires a !DOCTYPE, IE 9 is OK.
msdn: http-equiv attribute | httpEquiv property.
Also see
Fix Bad value X-UA-Compatible once and for all.
July 2013 Market Shares (based on number of users):
(-see CSS display Property).
IE 10 15%, 9 10%, 8 24%, earlier 8% | 57% |
Firefox 22 11%, 21 2%, earlier 5% | 18% |
Chrome 28 9%, 27 6%, earlier 3% | 18% |
Safari | 5% |
Opera | 2% |
The CSS attributes are better than then the
table tags because:
a) they can be specified externally in the .css files;
b) other tags can be interspaced or put in rows, without the display being shoved to the end of the table,
though any
border-spacing in a parent tag will have no effect.
They are worse because:
a) there is no equivalent to
colspan or
so making a cell span more than one row or column is difficult.
- Must e.g. make sub-tables in every row for each group of cells that may be joined,
- though the sub table can be omitted round the cells that span the whole group.
- But if there are cell borders, the inner table borders
are approximately centred on the inner edges of the outer table borders.
border-collapse does not work across two tables.
Nr?, and
Nc? are equivalent to the
row and
cell elements.
By TechKnack convention only,
Nt? and
Nr?start in the same column, and
Nc?elements are indented.
.Ttt {display:table;}
just creates an internal table, when screen position already set by outer layers.
Can be used to define a column, where the data is more naturally specified a column at a time.
.Ttc {display:table; border-collapse:collapse;}
- an internal table usually containing bordered cells.
.Ttv {display:table; margin:0 auto;}
creates a central table. Start with this.
.Trp {display:table-row; background-color:lightblue;}
creates a coloured box: this colour
.Trh {display:table-row; text-align:center; font-weight:bold;} for column/table headings.
.Trm {display:table-row; text-align:center;} for centred column data.
.Trl {display:table-row; text-align:left;} for left aligned column data.
.Tcl {display:table-cell;}
.Tcb {display:table-cell; border:2px #000 solid;}
- cell with a border. Usually in a table with
border-collapse:collapse; set (e.g.
.Tcc {display:table-cell; border:2px #000 solid; background-color:#66FF99;}
- Putting the colour in an internal cell, e.g. Tcx2, only colours to the bottom of the text (in IE10, at least).
.Tcx2 {display:table-cell; height:40px;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;
text-align:center;vertical-align: middle; border: solid #000 2px;}
.Tad {text-align:center; width:100%; font-size:18pt; font-weight:bold;}
.Tam {margin:5px;}
INPUT {background-color:#FFFFC0;}
SELECT {background-color:#FFFFCC;}
INPUT.Help {background-color:#66FF99;font-weight:bold;}
TH.Help {background-color:#66FF99;font-weight:bold;}
TD.Help {background-color:#66FF99;font-weight:bold;}
SPAN.Help {background-color:#66FF99;font-weight:bold;}
INPUT.Link {background-color:#FFFF66;font-weight:bold;text-align:right;}
TD.Link {background-color:#FFFF66;font-weight:bold;}
SPAN.LinkOn {background-color:#FFFF66;font-weight:bold;}
SPAN.Link {background-color:#FFFF66;}
INPUT.Record {background-color:#66FF99;font-weight:bold;}
INPUT.Num {text-align:right;}
SELECT.Record {background-color:#66FF99;font-weight:bold;}
INPUT.Update {background-color:#FF0066;font-weight:bold;}
.but {position:relative; left:-2; top:-2; filter:dropshadow( color=#008080, OffX=2, OffY=2, Positive=1 );}
.in4 {position:relative;left:5ex;}
.ic4 {position:relative;left:5ex;font-family:monospace;font-size:small;}
.iC4 {position:relative;left:5ex;font-family:monospace;font-size:medium;}
.ic {font-family:monospace;font-size:small;}
.iC {font-family:monospace;font-size:medium;}
.lang {background-color:#FFEE80;font-weight:bold;}
.Head1 {font-size:x-large;font-weight:bold;text-decoration: underline;}
.Head3 {font-weight:bold;}
.techknack {color:white;background-color:red;}
.prepare {color:green;}
.action {color:red;}
.aside {color:green;}
.hdg0 {font-size:48px;color:white;background-color:red;text-align: center;}
.main {font-size:36px;color:blue;background-color:lightblue;text-align: center;}
.hdg1 {font-size:24px;color:blue;background-color:lightblue;text-align: center;}
.hdg2 {font-size:40px;color:white;background-color:red;text-align: center;}
.itm1 {font-size:20px;color:blue;}
.itm2 {font-size:16px;color:blue;}
.box1 {background-color:lightgrey;}