Internet Setup

    by techkn@ck    

Server:    Active Server?      
Update Internet Files
Agency for Public Internet:
Debug Level:
Path to Server HTML folder:
e.g. \\C20\c\util\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\
Path to .exe relative to above:

e.g. http://c20/ or
from URL to CGI:

Show Logs
Logs at e.g.\\c10\c\WINNT\System32\LogFiles\:

Calendar and Colours - commom to all Servers

Internet Site     At Agency
Base month in calendar:
Months in calendar:

Colours and Fonts

The Name columns below are for guidance only. They are not used, and need not be filled in.
See msdn: Color Table for Microsoft named colours.
Note that the Microsoft names may not be recognised by some browsers.

Suggested Foreground Suggested Background Foreground Background Font Font
Class Code Name Code Name Code Code Size Weight General
lux #90EE90 lightgreen
cabA #90EE90 lightgreen
cabB #90EE90 lightgreen
cabC #90EE90 lightgreen
ecoS #FFFF00 yellow
ecoN #FFFF00 yellow
efa #ADD8E6 lightblue
veh #7FFFD4 aquamarine
VTyp #FFFFE0 lightyellow
VTyX #EEE8AA palegoldenrod
VTypS #7FFF00 chartreuse
VTyXS #ADFF2F greenyellow
Redn #F0E68C khaki
Redx #D8BFD8 thistle
cGlow #FF0000 red
cDull #FFDEAD navajowhite
cB #0000FF blue
cR #FF0000 red
Sail #00FF00 lime
BSet #00FF00 lime